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The Shadowmage Trilogy (Twilight of Kerberos: The Shadowmage Books)






  An Abaddon Books™ Publication

  First published in 2012 by Abaddon Books™, Rebellion Intellectual Property Limited, Riverside House, Osney Mead, Oxford, OX2 0ES, UK.

  Editor-in Chief: Jonathan Oliver

  Desk Editor: David Moore

  Cover Art: Pye Parr

  Original Series Cover Art: Mark Harrison & Greg Staples

  Design: Simon Parr & Luke Preece

  Marketing and PR: Michael Molcher

  Creative Director and CEO: Jason Kingsley

  Chief Technical Officer: Chris Kingsley

  Shadowmage Copyright ©2008 Rebellion.

  Night’s Haunting Copyright ©2009 Rebellion.

  Legacy’s Price Copyright ©2012 Rebellion.

  All rights reserved.

  Twilight of Kerberos™, Abaddon Books and Abaddon Books logo are trademarks owned or used exclusively by Rebellion Intellectual Property Limited. The trademarks have been registered or protection sought in all member states of the European Union and other countries around the world. All right reserved.

  ISBN (epub): 978-1-84997-432-5

  ISBN (mobi): 978-1-84997-433-2

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

  The Twilight of Kerberos Series

  The Lucius Kane Adventures

  by Matthew Sprange


  Night’s Haunting

  Legacy’s Price

  The Kali Hooper Adventures

  by Mike Wild

  The Clockwork King of Orl

  Crucible of the Dragon God

  Engines of the Apocalypse

  The Trials of Trass Kathra

  The Silus Morlader Adventures

  by Jonathan Oliver

  The Call of Kerberos

  The Wrath of Kerberos

  The Gabriella DeZantez Adventures

  by David A. McIntee

  The Light of Heaven

  Twilight of Kerberos – The Final Adventure

  by Mike Wild

  Children of the Pantheon (Coming Soon)


  WELCOME TO THE world of Twilight, overshadowed by the god planet Kerberos and packed with heroes and monsters, villains and magic. When Matthew Sprange and I sat down to plan out this shared-world series, right from the off I wanted to celebrate the pulp fantasy written by the likes of Fritz Leiber, Robert Howard and Clark Ashton Smith. I wanted us to look away from the epic doorstep tomes produced by writers such as George R.R. Martin and Steven Erikson (brilliant though they are) and instead create a collection of punchy fantasy adventures, each of which would stand alone but also continue to add to the world we were creating. This is more Swords and Sorcery than Tolkeinesque high fantasy; the emphasis is on fast-paced tales of sword wielders and spell slingers. Sprange’s world is very Lieber-esque but there’s also something of the tales of Conan here, while the stories remain very much Matthew’s own.

  This is the first of several Twilight of Kerberos omnibus editions and is a great place to start if you are unfamiliar with the series. Subsequent editions will follow different heroes as the series moves towards an apocalyptic climax. So pour yourself a tankard of mead and turn the page of this mighty tome. There is high adventure here and magic, just beware the wrath of the Lord of All and the warrior priests of the Final Faith!

  Jonathan Oliver (Editor)

  January 2012

  Original cover art by Mark Harrison


  SHOUTS FOR HIS blood echoed off the walls of the narrow alley, the worn buildings bouncing the sound so it seemed as though he were surrounded. Casting an anxious glance over his shoulder, he saw nothing through the shadowy gloom and guessed they were still on the street behind.

  Not wanting to push his luck, he ran faster, legs straining under the effort and ankles aching from the unfamiliar exertion. A shape shuffled from the darkness of a doorway to his left. He nearly screamed in panic, thinking the murderers behind had caught up with him. The grey-haired beggar gave him a curious look, perhaps wondering why a wild-eyed man was in this region of the city at so late an hour, then shuffled back into his temporary home.

  The alley jinked crookedly and, rounding the last corner, he saw the expanse of Meridian Street opening up before him. He slowed down, trying to control his breathing and appear normal, lest he draw attention from revellers or some of the less desirable types he knew frequented the thoroughfare. Drawing his hood up, he wrapped his cloak about him and continued north at a measured pace. The shouts were gradually receding and he began to give a silent prayer of relief. While the events of the evening had been painful, there was still a chance that something could be salvaged from the disaster.

  Meridian Street was lit only by the torches and lanterns of the taverns, clubs and brothels that choked its wide midway stretch as it reached, arrow-straight, to Turnitia’s northern gate. Even those lights were slowly being doused as all but the most stubborn establishments, or those most patronised, depending on how you looked at it, began to call an end to the evening’s trade. Only the pale blue giant overhead continued to provide an eerie grey illumination, its cloud-strewn surface leering down on the city as the sphere dominated three quarters of the night sky.

  He hoped his ancestors, soaring high in the clouds of Kerberos above, were watching over him now, providing whatever aid and protection the true God permitted. Discretley, he made the sign of the Brotherhood under his cloak, and then hurried north, hoping to appear like a young party-goer finding his way home, but fearing he appeared more like an old man on the run.

  Few others were on the street, and even fewer paid him more than a scant glance, having the delights of heavy drink and loose women on their minds. For this, at least, he was grateful, for he could not afford any sort of confrontation, not tonight. The Faith had eyes everywhere, it seemed, and it might not take them long to arrive here if some sort of altercation broke out.

  Crossing the cobbled road to avoid two young men obviously, and loudly, looking for a tavern that was still serving new arrivals, he strode purposefully onwards, eventually reaching the point where Meridian Street narrowed. A few closed shop fronts marked the undeclared barrier between entertainment and residential district, and he stopped for a few seconds, watching the road behind to see if any furtive shapes broke from the shadows to continue pursuit. Seeing nothing, he released the breath he had unconsciously been holding, though he knew he would not feel completely safe until he reached home. Perhaps not even then – that, however, was something to deal with in the morning. If he could just survive this night...

  He continued his frightened trek and, a few hundred yards further along the road, he turned into a side street he had come to know well. Another turn and he was in the alleys that ran behind the row of close knit dwellings, the simple two storey townhouses of a type that sheltered the majority of the inhabitants of the city. Such humble accommodations were perhaps surprising for the man he was to call on, but he had learned they were entirely fitting for the Preacher’s outlook on life.
In Pontaine, the man would have been revered as a bishop, at the very least, but here, in subjugated Turnitia, the Faith and its lackeys in the Empire of Vos had ensured even this great man remained hidden.

  Pausing once again to make sure he was not being followed, ears straining to hear soft footfalls in the twilight, he quietly entered the shadows cast by the house, and tapped on its back door, flecks of paint breaking loose from its ragged surface. Three taps followed by a pause, then two more.

  A middle-aged woman opened the door, peering anxiously past him into the alley before focussing on his face. He could sense the fear emanating from her as she hustled him in quickly but that did little to stifle his own relief at, finally, reaching safe territory.

  Inside, the kitchen was small and the same as in every other house in the street. A small cast-iron stove sitting under the chimney flooded the room with warmth, the fires behind its latticed grate combining with the lantern on the central dark wood table to provide a homely atmosphere, something he was glad of. The man seated at the table grabbed a bottle and poured a generous amount of wine into a clay cup.

  “Tabius.” The man nodded in welcome. “You look as if you could use this.”

  “Preacher,” Tabius acknowledged. “We should get you to safety. The Faith could have discovered your location by now. They have taken enough of us tonight.”

  The Preacher waved his concern aside. “I did not run when the Empire descended on our city, even though we all knew they would bring the Final Faith with them. I am not going to start now. Have a drink man, steady your nerves. We don’t believe it breaks the divine connection between man and God.”

  “I heard the Anointed Lord had passed that law,” Tabius said, finally accepting the cup and relishing the first sip as it warmed his throat and stomach. “Think her followers will accept it?”

  “They had better, if they know what is good for them,” the Preacher said, then with a wry smile added, “Whether the Anointed Lord and her closest cronies follow it too, ah, that would be the question. Still, what can you expect when women are allowed into religion? Now, sit, and tell me how we fare this evening.”

  Tabius sat across from the Preacher and smiled in thanks as his wife laid out a plate of bread and ham, though he did not touch the supper, instead cradling the cup of wine in his hands to warm it.

  “They knew where we were and what we were doing,” he began, wincing slightly as the screams of dying friends echoed in his ears once again. “Someone gave us up. Tanner, maybe. He was a little too ready to offer us his cellar, knowing the risks it carried.”

  The Preacher shook his head. “I find that difficult to believe. I have known Tanner a long time, and would declare him righteous. He accepted the risks because he knew they were necessary. However, we have taken in new believers recently, and who knows whether they are all truly genuine? Even with recommendations, it is within some men to only deceive.”

  “Truly. The Rites of Protection and Good Health had barely finished when the Faith arrived. They were among us before we knew it, striking with swords at anyone within reach. Not just the men – they were after everyone.”

  He stopped to take another sip of wine, hoping the motion would conceal the shaking he felt enter his hands. The compassion in the Preacher’s eyes told him he had failed, and he took a deep breath before continuing.

  “It was complete chaos. People were running in all directions, trying to get out. And the screaming. It filled the cellar. We were slipping on the blood running across the floor, men were struck down as they tried to help their wounded sons. Gregor rallied first and began to fight back – I remember a hammer in his hand. We followed him as he headed for the stairs. I saw him cut down, but some of us, I don’t know, maybe a dozen, managed to get out. Once we were on the street, we just ran.”

  “And you were chased?”

  “Yes. We split up. I don’t know if the others escaped. I was hoping I would find some of them here, as I went all the way round the Five Markets before coming back towards Meridian Street. I know Sanser, Mikels and Dornire got out with me, and I think I saw Kurn as well.”

  “Did the guard not come?”

  “I saw a couple but...” Tabius paused. “The thing is I could have sworn they were in on it. Or, at least, some of them were. Since the city fell, the guard step in if you so much as knock a barrel over in the market. They must have seen what was happening, they just had to – but I did not see any of them act.”

  The Preacher nodded. “We have no friends in the Empire of Vos, and the Faith is fast taking root in the highest levels of their leadership. This Katherine may be a woman but as Anointed Lord, she has garnered a great deal of support among the Lord Dukes. I shudder to think what favours she has granted them, but her power is undeniable. Even here, in Turnitia, we feel the weight of her growing authority. We will find no justice from the city guard.”

  He reached across the table to top up Tabius’ cup, though it had barely been touched. Tabius took this as a sign to drink, and he dutifully raised the cup to his lips.

  “Gregor gone, you say? He will be missed in this hour of need.” The Preacher sighed as he watched his wife fussing over the stove. “Aldene wants us to pack up and head for Pontaine. Perhaps even Allantia, she says. The Brotherhood is welcome there, she believes, or is at least not persecuted.”

  This caused his wife to glance over her shoulder with a reproachful look at her husband, and he smiled fondly back at her. Tabius shifted uneasily as he witnessed the love between them speak silent volumes.

  “Perhaps that would be for the best,” he ventured.

  The Preacher hooted at that. “Would you?” he asked. “Really? Leave behind everything you have built up here for a new life? The grass is always greener, as they say but, in truth, you have sweated and worked too hard to leave behind your little empire here. I have worked just as hard, my boy. While you have amassed a small fortune in gold with your warehouses, I have become just as rich in spirit, bringing new blood into the Brotherhood and guiding those who believe to the best of my ability.”

  He fell silent for a moment, and Tabius stared into his cup. “No,” the Preacher finally said. “I will stay and do what must be done. Our people will be scared after tonight, and will need reminding that the trials God puts before us are necessary for the salvation of all of us. Yes, even those poor misguided fools of the Faith. They have their part to play in his grand design too.”

  “So, what do we do now?” Tabius asked. Though he knew, come morning, a thousand problems would be waiting for him in his growing business, the Preacher had a knack of inspiring him to always work that little bit harder for the Brotherhood. His money and connections among the merchants of Turnitia had already benefited their congregation. All the Preacher had to do was ask, and he would serve as best he could.

  “We start again,” the Preacher said confidently. “Our beliefs are strong enough to survive the cruelty of the Final Faith. No matter how many of us they threaten, bully or kill, you cannot stamp out the truth, my boy. And truth is on our side. They have twisted the word of God beyond all recognition, turning it into a dream of conquest. But that is all it can be – a dream. We carry the burden of God’s will, Tabius, and so we cannot fail. Whatever the tests put before us, we are God’s chosen. Take comfort in that.”

  “As you say, Preacher.”

  “Now, come morning we will have a clearer idea of what our losses are. We will need a new meeting place – you can help with that, I trust?”

  Tabius thought hard. Though one of his many warehouses by the docks would be a perfect venue for their gatherings, they had avoided it up to now, as it had seemed too dangerous with agents of the Final Faith constantly looking for signs of the Brotherhood growing in the city. Still, he had several that were away from the main trading areas, and his own name was nowhere near their legal documents of possession.

  “It may be possible, yes,” he said slowly, still thinking. “I’ll start making arrangements
tomorrow. I might be able to have something ready by evening.”

  “Please make sure you do. I must address our people by then at the latest. They will be terrified and in need of guidance. Perhaps just in need of assurance that everything will turn out the way it should.” He smiled. “One thing is for sure, though. If we can–”

  A loud crash of splintering wood resounded in the tiny kitchen. Tabius jerked in shock, looking past the Preacher to where the sound had come from.

  “They’re here!” cried the Preacher’s wife, and she raced across to her husband to put a hand on his shoulder.

  The Preacher looked at Tabius. “Go,” he said simply.

  Tabius stood immediately, as much out of habit of doing whatever the Preacher told him to do. Only then did he hesitate, looking into the man’s eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but the Preacher cut him off.

  “Go! Quickly, while you still have time!”

  Another crash, this time followed by a triumphant cry, and there were heavy footsteps in the hall outside the kitchen. Panic took over, and Tabius bolted through the back door, leaving the warm kitchen, the Preacher, and his wife behind. He heard shouts and a scream cut short.

  Outside, a cry went up from a shadow in the alley to his right, and he dashed blindly left. Stumbling past houses on either side, he heard heavy footsteps with the chink of mail following, and fear gave him extra speed.

  Behind, someone called out. “By the law of Vos – halt!”